Monday, April 24, 2006

Happy Monday
I got a new haircut this past Saturday. I went to Salon 5, and this was the first time I have been to a proper salon in a looong time. I don't have a regular "stylist" or someone to go to for haircuts. My hair is very thin and fine and I figure no cut will ever change that. So I go to places like Supercuts for trims here and there. I've never been the type to go to their hairstylist every 6-8 weeks. Once in a while do I go to a salon if I want a change. I've been living in sweats and t-shits since becoming a mom, so I thought I'd try to make myself look fresh. Well, my new cut isn't so drastic, but I did get it shaped with chunky layers and some side-swept bangs. I like it! And I love the chica who gave me the haircut, so I'll be going to her from now on. I finally have a proper hairstylist! Next items on my list are a nice pedicure (it's open-toe season my friends!) and a facial for my poor clogged pores! I may even get some punky highlights later on!

Here's the cut though you can't really see the layers in this pic (pardon my goofy smile):
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Last Friday, I went to see Plastiq Passion, my former band! Yes, they have tossed me to the curb since I took a maternity leave from the band! Boo-hoo! It's all good though. They said I can come back anytime and we'd just work out the new line-up. It was fun to watch them. My replacement, Deniz, was pretty good (though I'm still better! ;) and it was great to get out and bob your head to the music. They also had a new song which I dig. I'm going to start practicing again with them and will most likely do guest vocals at their next show in Hoboken, NJ on May 10th at the Whiskey Bar. Do come check us out! The best part of the evening was... I had my first alcoholic drink since June 2005! Nothing major, just a Stoli Orange and cranberry --but 2 of them already put me in a nice buzz! Talk about lightweight! I guess I'll have to work on my tolerance all over again!

My band without me
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POSTED BY KAT AT 4/24/2006 02:50:00 PM | 0 COMMENTS

Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Rockstar baby got his first set of shots (immunizations) yesterday. Poor little guy cried, of course, when they put the needles in (there were 3 shots in total)! But he toughed it out and was fine as soon as they were done. Luckily, he didn’t get any fevers of anything that night, and he was only a little more cranky than usual. He was also weighed yesterday and he was 10 lbs and 6 ounces. He’ll be 2 months old this Friday. I’m trying to fatten him up since I feel bad that he came out so little (at 6 lbs, 13 ounces). Then again, he decided to come out earlier than predicted! He should’ve been baking more a couple of weeks!

Today, I took him to get his Easter pics done. I have officially turned into a parent who takes their kid to get photos done. What a money-making machine, I must say. I went to Kiddie Kandids inside the Babies R Us store near me. The cheapest package they had was around $75 without tax! Of course, silly me didn’t check out the pricing until after the pictures were done –I had just assumed they would start around $30 or so. The good thing is you can get pics a la carte – which I did. Since rockstar baby can’t sit up yet, he had to be propped up. He was also very sleepy since I rudely woke him up from a nap, so he didn’t smile that much. In any case, I think the pics came out nicely.

Happy Easter!
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POSTED BY KAT AT 4/12/2006 06:22:00 PM | 0 COMMENTS

Monday, April 3, 2006

My Fall from Grace

So I went out last Thursday to my first show post-baby. I went to see The Editors at Webster Hall. So there I was, in my concert-going outfit (not quite the hipster look, but concert-casual in my Vans, green army jacket, black skirt, and a black tee). I walked over to the street in front of Webster Hall to meet up with my friends when all of a sudden, SPLADOW! I fell flat on the sidewalk, knees first, hands splayed down, cell phone flying! I don’t remember tripping on anything; I just remember the falling part! Some guy picked up my phone and handed it to me as I sat on the sidewalk moaning and groaning to mask my embarrassment. But it did hurt though! The pain outweighed the embarrassment factor even though there was this cute guy who was sitting at a stoop and saw the whole thing. I sat next to him to check out the damage to my knees and he asked if I was ok. I didn’t think I fell that hard, but I skinned my knees and my palms. I haven’t fallen this hard since I busted my shin doing a rail while snowboarding 3 years ago. So I had throbbing knees throughout the show, but I enjoyed the show nonetheless!

My knobby knees (note the lovely purple bruises)
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The Editors kicked-arse! We stood waay in the back on an elevated platform away from the crowds and had a great view of the stage. The frontman Tom Smith was truly dynamic (to the point of being spastic), and they sounded amazing! I took some phots, but no up close and personal shots of the guys. What a great first how to go to! There’s nothing like watching a band live to inspire you to live out your rockstar dreams.

The Editors
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All the while, I thought of the hubs and my rockstar baby and wondered how they were doing. (Plus my boobs hurt like a motherf*cker and served as a constant reminder that I should be at home feeding the baby!) I didn’t get home until midnight and when I got home, the hubs was asleep with rockstar baby also sleeping soundly on his chest. The next day, the hubs said the baby cried the whole time I was gone (which was from 7:30 – 12 am) and he seriously contemplated on calling me and asking me when I was coming home. Poor baby! He missed his mommy! I guess this means I'm not going to this show I wanted to go to tomorrow!
Today: I went to my doctor for my 6-week postpartum check-up. To my surprise, I found out I weigh pretty close to my pre-pregnancy weight. But if I'm 116 lbs, then why the hell can't I still I fit into my jeans?!
POSTED BY KAT AT 4/03/2006 07:02:00 PM | 0 COMMENTS

who is kat?

a wanna-be rockstar with mediocre guitar skills | mom to rockstar baby | guitarist in a band | 30 but not grown-up | this is all about my musings. music. motherhood. and mayhem.

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