Friday, June 1, 2007
happy 6th anniversary!

Today is the 6th wedding anniversary for the hubs and I. I thought I'd "rerun" this post I wrote from June 1, 2005.

The True Story of How We Met and Other Curious Adventures: During the summer of 1997 (before the beginning of my junior year in college), my good friend Julie said "Kat, I have the perfect guy for you! His name is Mark and he’s good friends with my sister." Julie knew full well that I was already dating someone else (but she never did like him which is why she did a plug for Mark). As it turns out, Mark was the older brother of my friend Daryl who went to school with me. By then, Mark had already graduated from NYU and was already doing the whole career thing. I thought nothing of it and then actually met Mark at a party a few months after my conversation with Julie. Eventually, Mark started calling me and we would chat. I remember our first full-length conversation. He basically bragged about himself and of how content he was in life and of how he is so sure of himself…yadda, yadda, yadda. I remember hanging up and thinking "damn, what an arrogant bastard. I sooo do not like him." But he kept chasing me and calling me. I kept on talking to him and kept mum on the fact that I did have a boyfriend (who I was trying to get rid of –we were always on-again/off-again). I had assumed Julie told him at the very least, and to me, I just considered him to be a friend.

The Library Incident: One night, Mark asked me to go meet up with him and his friends. I really didn’t want to go out with him, nor did I want to just straight up and say "I’m not interested in you." Like I said, I considered Mark only as ‘friend-material.’ So I told him, "no thanks, but I really have to study. I have to go to the library." Mark said fine. Later that evening, I went out my then-bf and we decided to go play pool. Lo and behold, who did I see at the pool hall? Mark, of course, was there. I felt like such a fool. I was blatantly caught in a lie. I mustered all my courage, acted nonchalantly and went up to Mark to say hi. He coolly replied, "oh nice to see you here." I think I tried to save myself by saying something like "oh I finished studying already" but I don’t remember. After I got home, Mark called and we got into a heated argument over the phone. We fought as if we were already boyfriend and girlfriend. We talked and yelled at each other for more than an hour! After that incident, we didn’t talk to each other for a while.

The You-Kissed-Me Incident (aka The Throwing Up on His Shoes Incident): Fast forward a few months later. I believe during the winter, circa 1997, Mark and I saw each other again at a club called El Flamingo’s (which no longer exists). At that time, Mark was roomies Kay, a girl I started to hang out with from work. So Kay and I were doing shots at the bar when Mark strolls up. By then, I was already quite buzzed and we decide to do another shot of tequila. So we do a shot all together and I suddenly cross the line from very buzzed to very drunk. For some reason, Mark and I then start to kiss. For the record, he kissed me! (Though we argue to this day who really kissed who. I swear he kissed me!). After the kiss, a wave of nausea just shoots through my body and I promptly throw up on Mark’s shoe. Was it the tequila or the kiss? Hehehe…. Then this big bouncer guy comes up and yells at me for throwing up. The bouncer basically drags me off and kicks me out of the club sans jacket in the middle of winter. Nice Mark felt compelled to come with me, and basically watches over me as I continue to throw up by the dumpster outside the club. Eventually, I think Mark helps me get back in the club. I spend the rest of the night sitting on the floor of a bathroom stall as the world spins around me. I don’t know what happened to Mark that night. We don’t talk for a while.

The Matchbook Incident: Early November 1998 at (the now-defunct) Pageant Lounge. Mark’s birthday. I get there with my friend Julie and chat with our friends. Mark was there of course, and we start talking. He was still clearly very interested in me. I was too and we spend most of the night talking. As it was, I also found his other friend quite interesting as well. Funny thing was, each time I tried to talk to Mark’s friend, Mark would be at my side with a quickness! Mark and I basically flirted throughout the night as Mark gets progressively buzzed. Before I leave, I write down my number and gave it to Tony to give to the friend. I say bye to Mark as Julie and I get into a cab. Tony then shoves Mark in the cab with us and before you know it, he comes home with me. I told me, "well I’m calling your brother to come get you." Drunk Mark does not speak. So we get to my room, Mark passes out on the floor. I keep kicking him and telling him he was not staying. I call his brother Daryl to come get him. Daryl comes over, and Mark mumbles "I can’t get up." So Daryl asks him if he can just stay and I reluctantly agree. As soon as Daryl leaves, Mark gets up from the floor as if nothing happened, goes to the bathroom to take off his contacts, and then proceeds to sleep on my bed! I tell him, "you are not sleeping next to me!" He again pretends to fall asleep. So I wedge a pillow between us, hit the lights, and sleep. I promptly kick him out the next day. He apologizes, claims to not even remember how he got there, and then tells me he has the matchbook with my number on it. A week or so goes by and we don’t talk. He didn’t even call to apologize. For some reason, I find myself calling him (pity, maybe?). We talk. Towards the end of the conversation, I once and for all, agree to go on our first date together. The rest is history.

For the record, this is the true account of how it all happened.

Happy Anniversary my love!

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POSTED BY KAT AT 6/01/2007 03:28:00 PM |


Anonymous Anonymous said...

whew, wow! ha-ha.

i gotta give it to your mark. he realy did leave a big mark in your heart. ha-ha.

6/01/2007 06:49:00 PM  
Blogger Wil said...

funny post! so I guess persistence does pay off. hehe. I should try that "too drunk to get up off the floor and head to bed when the coast is clear" trick. But I bet your hubby has got a completely different recollection of these events you've posted. :D

6/02/2007 02:50:00 AM  
Blogger tintin said...

Ah, it's like out of a movie! A weird, small-budget indie movie that then becomes a cult classic. :)

Happy Anniversary!

6/02/2007 03:16:00 AM  
Blogger KAI said...

Oh wow, haha! This stuff should be printed, Kat! Entertaining read! :)) And buoy, was he perfect for you, indeed. Happy Anniversary to you both. More years and never-ending blessings! :D

6/02/2007 03:31:00 AM  
Blogger G. said...

wow. mark's story is very similar but the roles were reversed (except for the throwing up part - in his story, you were still the one throwing up!).

anyhoo - happy anniv! i love both of yous!

hey - when are we doing shakespeare???

6/02/2007 10:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so cute!!! Lovely love story. :D Can't wait till Rockstar Baby asks you how you and his Dad met. :D Happy Anniversary Kat!

6/03/2007 08:40:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy ANniversary! Where did you guys eat? I wish we're back in NYC so that we can babysit Jakey while you guys are out...

See you soon! Fr KarenLyn

6/04/2007 12:23:00 AM  
Blogger Alternati said...

Hahaha... That could be a movie. It's like When Harry met Sally. I love it. And the best thing about it is it's autobiographical. Does either still have the matchbook as a memento?

Happy Anniversary Kat! :)

6/05/2007 12:23:00 PM  
Blogger Cat said...

Congratulations to you and Hubs! I love hearing about how couples get together and fall in love (or the other way around).

Now here are your interview questions!

1) Do you ever imagine or fantasize how Rockstar Baby would do in the future? How do you imagine his future to be?

2) When you come back to the Philippines, how long will you stay? Where will you go? And what would you do? (Hmmm, this is more than 5 questions already!)

3) If you could travel back in time, which era would you live in, where and why?

4) You made a turning 30 wishlist almost a year ago. Did you get any of the items on the list?

5) I love your band's name! What's the story behind it?

6/05/2007 01:58:00 PM  
Blogger Cat said...

Congratulations to you and Hubs! I love hearing about how couples get together and fall in love (or the other way around).

Now here are your interview questions!

1) Do you ever imagine or fantasize how Rockstar Baby would do in the future? How do you imagine his future to be?

2) When you come back to the Philippines, how long will you stay? Where will you go? And what would you do? (Hmmm, this is more than 5 questions already!)

3) If you could travel back in time, which era would you live in, where and why?

4) You made a turning 30 wishlist almost a year ago. Did you get any of the items on the list?

5) I love your band's name! What's the story behind it?

6/05/2007 01:59:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kat - Happy Anniversary! I agree with mitsuru. He sure left a 'mark' on your heart ... :P

- Steve

6/05/2007 03:48:00 PM  
Blogger kat said...

MISTURU: hahah! so funny! thanks for stopping by!

WIL:oh yes he does! to this day, he claims he doesn't recall the getting up part. LOL.

TINTIN: aw how sweet! thanks!

KAI:thanks for the well wishes! yeah, we def. have a lot of funny stories together!

GIRLIE:haha... we have our own versions, but mine is the TRUTH!

TONI:i think we'd have to give him a rated-G version of events!

KAREN: we dropped off jakey w/ mark's parents, went to the mall, ate at Legal Seafoods, and then saw Spiderman 3 --our 1st movie together post-jakey.

ALTERNATI:hm..he may still have the matchbook actually! and the funny thing is, the guy who i meant to give the matchbook to was one of our groomsmen at our wedding! (and did a drunk 10-min speech i might add!)

CAT:thanks for the interview! i will def. answer it and let you know!

STEVE-O: hahha...thanks!

6/05/2007 04:12:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read this post when you first did it and I found myself chuckling again as I read it today. Happy anniversary, Kat!

6/08/2007 06:15:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary, Kat! Loved reading your love story.

6/09/2007 05:33:00 AM  
Blogger mumshens said...

Belated Happy Anniversary! I too have a you-kissed-me incident with my hubby (which actually started it all), who was at the time of the incident was just an officemate... i'll tell my story on my anniversary as well hheheheh! Thanks for the idea :)

Wish you and hubs, many more anniversaries to come.

6/09/2007 10:20:00 AM  
Blogger MrsPartyGirl said...

i always tell people, if you puke on a guy's shoe/s and he's still around after that, by golly, it's meant to be :D

happy anniversary, kat and mark!

6/12/2007 11:43:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

from Toe's site...nice cute love story, for the movies--filipino movie directors and producers would love those stories. also yours is a telenovela material. who knows, some producer might stumble on your story, and when i see it on film or TV, i would say -- i have read about that! i have read about that!

6/13/2007 09:44:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Kat,
What a great story. I can imagine the events as you described it. Just dropped by from Toe's. So for the history...I have yet to read about.

Great beginnings make happy endings.

6/20/2007 11:58:00 PM  

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