Tuesday, April 17, 2007
plastiq passion is a sold-out scandal...*

wielding the axe
Originally uploaded by katdlr.

On Friday the 13th, plastiq passion played at The Delancey. It was our first gig with our new bassist Susan (since our old one quit). The venue was great despite being deep into the Lower East Side right by the bridge! I found parking right by the overpass and swear I thought I'd be mugged along the way (but thankfully wasn't!).

The show was...eh. It didn't go well according to my standards. In fact, I was sorely disappointed since a few members (and I'm not going to name names!) messed up some parts. Overall though, we had fun as usual. We also debuted my new song which I like very much (and yes, I'm singing it) and a lot of folks actually liked that one. Maybe because it's a little pop-punkish. Someone even told me it's had commercial-potential (which I took as a compliment). We also had a great turn-out (special thanks to Annie, Phil, and Christina who came out!)

Plastiq Passion at The Delancey

plastiq passion @ the delancey

The new line-up

(from l-r: drummer Cil, new bassist Susan, Jes - vox/guitars, and me on guitars/vox)

plastiq passion cheesing it up

I think most people in this world either care about music (as in they are passionate and have an opinion about it) or don't (as in they listen to it and know what they like, but that's about it). I fall into the former category. I joined this band primarily because a) I love music and bands, and b) I love music and want to make music reminiscent of my favorite bands (i.e., The Cure, Interpol, The Smiths, etc.) So when we mess up our songs, it's like a terrible personal slight on my part. There are days when I just want to quit the band. I mean, I'm not getting paid for it obviously and I know our sound doesn't appeal to a lot of people. But there are days when I'm just energized and I have all these hopes and the drive and determination to make our band the best it can be.

So yesterday at practice, I told my bandmates we're all going to have to shape up. I said "I don't care if you fingers bleed or your arm falls off. We're playing all our songs to perfection and we're writing new songs that are GOOD. Not just OK." I hope it works. I myself do not have a lot time (like I did before) to work on songs so it takes me a long time just to create one. I love arranging music. When I think of a new song, I think of it from start to finish: bass line, rhythm, lead, etc. I can't just have one part. When I make up a song, I record each part separately and it's a tedious, laborious process since I'm only working with two ghetto tape recorders. So it's hard when I envision a song and the execution doesn't meet up to my standards. *Sigh* Isn't it funny how some of our hobbies take up so much time and money?

Our next show is on Wednesday, April 25th at The Annex. Holler if you're in the NYC area and would like more details.

*this is a line from a Cure song.

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POSTED BY KAT AT 4/17/2007 03:54:00 PM |


Anonymous Anonymous said...

when i got your CD, i hoped to hear you sing. this song you debuted, is it on myspace?

4/18/2007 01:46:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are any of your songs/performances online? I'd love to hear you guys!

4/18/2007 05:49:00 AM  
Blogger batjay said...

hi rocker mama. hopefully in the near future we can visit the big apple and watch you play.

i'll even buy the merchandise, if you have any.

4/18/2007 05:22:00 PM  
Blogger Christianne said...

Ang galing naman that after work and family, you have the energy to devote to music. Who cares that what you play isn't popular or mainstream? Most people are probably just too lazy to learn how to appreciate good music (just like me, haha)

4/18/2007 05:24:00 PM  
Blogger KAI said...

I really wish I could see you guys perform. Would you want to do South By Southwest someday? :P

4/19/2007 12:53:00 AM  
Blogger Analyse said...

that would be great to see you perform.. i might be around the area on mid-may but im not sure ill be spending nights in NY.. ill go somewhere in pennsylvania and i've checked the map.. NY is 2 hrs drive from where ill stay.. but hmm, do you have your scheds?

4/19/2007 12:39:00 PM  
Blogger Alternati said...

I was so gonna ask if you happened to record your new song, but everyone else asked it already. So? :)

Cool to hear you found a new bassist and Susan looks like a badass!

I never knew The Cure had a song named "Plastic Passion"! cool!

Inform us all when you'll start selling singles over the net ok? :)

4/19/2007 02:32:00 PM  
Blogger Wil said...

two ghetto tape recorders? have you tried recording on a computer or the more sophisticated recording equipment? I'm thinking about trying out recording on the computer. anyway, so you laid down the law with the band mates, eh? I don't think I can ever be a bandleader b/c if I ever laid down the law with the bandmates, they'd probably just look at me and then say, "anyway, as i was saying...." hehe

4/19/2007 09:58:00 PM  
Blogger marie said...

i would love to hear you play, PAKInIG naman.

4/20/2007 01:41:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

if i only had the voice, i would sing, but then i am not gifted. that is why i have always admired those who are able to sing, especially rockin' mamas! hope to listen to your songs ones of these days.

4/20/2007 03:34:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow you look so hot with those guitars! You reminded me of my classmate who is also a rockin' mama!

4/20/2007 05:38:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I don't care if your fingers bleed or your arm falls off ..." Just like what I used to tell my students: shape up or ship out. Passion is exactly what you need to excel in any field, Kat ... so you're on the right track.

Go! go! go!

4/20/2007 11:04:00 AM  
Blogger kat said...

EVI:i only sing on "Ghost" in the CD and some backup on "Figment".

TONI, ATE MARIE: we have a few songs up on myspace: www.myspace.com/plastiqpassion. feel free to visit anytime!

BATJAY!it's always a treat when you stop by! def. let me know if you're in the area! you can even be our guest singer/guitarist if you like! i'm sure you are much more talented anyway!

CHRISTIANNE:i try...even though i sometimes, i really don't have the energy. but i figure i need a life outside of being a wife and mom.

KAI:OMG we'd love to play SXSW!! did you go?! we're aiming for it next year and i'll come by and visit you!

ANALYSE!! are you really going to be here this may?! we have to meet up! let me know your dates and let's try to schedule an EB! =)

ALTERNATI:hahah...haven't recorded it yet. it's still a work in progress. we're not selling singles, but we are selling our EPs. of course i can get you one for free! all you have to do is ask ;)

4/20/2007 03:20:00 PM  
Blogger kat said...

WIL:we actually have recording equipment but it's at my bandmate's house and i don't go there a lot. and after 2 yrs, i'm only now starting to assert myself. i should've taken the reigns much sooner!

SEXY MOM: ha! i wish i had a singing voice myself! i don't consider myself a singer. i can carry a tune but that's it. we have a few songs up on www.myspace.com/plastiqpassion if you want to take a looksee.

CHASE:aw thanks sweetie! my photographer friend says i should smile more too.

BUGSY:thanks for the support bugsy! i am definitely trying to run a tight ship.

4/20/2007 03:52:00 PM  
Blogger KAI said...

I'll probably be in Austin that time next year. I'm applying for the university. EEEK!!! You HAVE to go! I'll be so cheering for you. :D

4/20/2007 11:51:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you ROCK!!!!! I wish I'd have the opportunity to see your show someday.

4/22/2007 05:42:00 PM  
Blogger vina said...

hehe, this is the first time i've actually read a post about your performance, so congratulations!

4/24/2007 06:34:00 AM  
Blogger rolly said...

Hi, is it just me or my browser but the page in your blog is awry from my end. Everything is on top of another.

anyway, I got to listen to the songs and the fantastic guitar works you played. Now, I really want to watch and listen to you play in person

5/03/2007 05:37:00 AM  

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