Thursday, January 18, 2007
Projectile Vomiting and Poop

Did that catch your attention? Well the past 24 hours have been hellacious (is that a word?) Rockstar baby has a stomach virus and has been projectile vomiting and poo-ing for the past 24 hours. It all started last night at around 9:40-something in the evening when he woke up in a pool of his own vomit. Then it started to come out of the other end at around 2 am --once at the same time! Here's some stats from the past 24 hours and counting:

  • 9: # of clothing changes he's had
  • 10: # of times he vomited
  • 0: # of bottles he's kept down
  • 6: # of ounces of Pedialyte he's kept down
  • 1: # of jars of food he's eaten
  • 22: # of diapers I've changed (although at this point, I really think there's more since he poos and sharts every 30 minutes or so)
  • 3: # of baths he's taken
  • 2: # of times he got vomit on his hair
  • 1: # of times he got vomit on my hair
  • 4: # of times he got vomit on my clothes
  • 3: # of times his crib sheets were changed
  • 3: # of hours I've slept thus far (I'm beginning to have that crazed, super-energized feeling you get right before you're ready to snap)
  • 4: # of consecutive hours he's slept
  • 2: # of sick days I'll be taking because of this experience, possibly 3.
  • 17: # number of pounds he currently weighs. He's lost about 2 pounds so far --in just 24 hours!
I feel so, so bad for my poor rockstar baby. He looks like some emaciated, Cambodian refugee awaiting adoption! I am not kidding. His little belly is now gone, and his ribs are sticking out. I hope he pulls out of this soon. I am not used to a sickly, crying rockstar baby. I feel so helpless for his situation, but unfortunately there is no magic pill for this virus. You just have to let it run its course. Having a sick baby is definitely one of the negatives of parenthood. I hate seeing him suffer.

Another major negative? Washing poop and vomit off clothes. And oh yeah. The lack of sleep.

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POSTED BY KAT AT 1/18/2007 10:29:00 PM |


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What? No pictures of vomit??!! That is the best part! Poor baby. Hang in there. What is Mark doing?

1/18/2007 11:40:00 PM  
Blogger tintin said...

The poor baby! Hope not having enough sick days isn't a big worry for you. :(

Did he get the virus from daycare?

1/19/2007 02:00:00 AM  
Blogger kmargrett said...

awww, poor baby! =\ i guess just keep giving him pedialyte and maybe some mashed up bananas? the pediatrician i work for always suggests bananas.. he'll be ok before you know it! good luck!

1/19/2007 03:39:00 AM  
Blogger batjay said...

aray... i hope rockstar baby gets well soon.

1/19/2007 04:39:00 AM  
Blogger Rayray said...

Wow that's what rockstar vomit looks like! Poor guy - hope he feels better soon.

1/20/2007 12:21:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

everytime axel has stomach flu, i always pray to take that pain away from him and let me have it. it's heartbreaking to see our kids so sick and weak. hope rockstar baby is feeling better now.

1/20/2007 12:42:00 PM  
Blogger KAI said...

Aw. Poor thing =(

1/20/2007 01:44:00 PM  
Blogger Alternati said...

If hellacious isn't a word yet... you just defined it. I just can't imagine what you're going thru. It's one thing to be sick yourself, but having a sick baby must be difficult to the nth degree!

Hope rockstar baby gets well real soon.

1/20/2007 04:41:00 PM  
Blogger Solaida said...

I feel ya Kat... I just spent the whole week with Antonio going through the same thing.... what's worse is I was sick with it too!!!

The only thing worse than a sick baby is a sick parent trying to take care of a sick baby. *ugh*

Antonio's already coming out of it and has gained a whole boatload of weight back already... matter of fact.... he's CHUNKY.... can you believe he weighs 1 lb less than Jakey and he's almost 9 months younger!???? I think I was freaking out more about his weight than his puke and snot =P

Hope Rockstar baby gets better soon!

1/21/2007 12:59:00 AM  
Blogger Analyse said...

poor rockstar baby. i was exactly in the same situation last week. give him milk sans lactose, i buy it in pharmacies here. try to give him mashed bananas and rice congee too, that helps a lot. i guess louna felt better with the banana diet, she didn't want to eat anything else last week thinking i put medecines in her food. buti na lang, she still wanted to eat bananas. after the banana regime, her next poop was almost solid already, that was fast. get well soon jakey!

1/21/2007 07:36:00 AM  
Blogger Riss said...

That sucks Kat, I hope he feels better soon. I've been through it with the girls and stomach viruses are insane and scary because they're not eating. Thank God for Pedialyte!

1/21/2007 12:41:00 PM  
Blogger Patricia said...

Poor Jakey! It sucks have to "wait it out" and see your kid go through sicknesses like that. (And I agree w/Sol about the parents being sick, too. Rol and I had the pleasure of that experience as well, blech!) Get better soon, Jakey, and hang in there, mama!

1/21/2007 08:02:00 PM  
Blogger kat said...

EVERYONE: thanks for all your well-wishes and great tips!

1/22/2007 09:37:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

just read the most recent post and am glad that he's doing fiiiiine now! i hope you two have recovered as well. hang in there!

1/22/2007 10:35:00 PM  
Blogger MrsPartyGirl said...

aha, wala na bang mas graphic pa sa pic na iyan? :D

i know that you guys are doing much better now, but i know that the "worrying" over our baby's health won't ever go away. ganyan din ako (pero worse pa rin sa pagka-paranoid ang asawa ko hehe). hang in there mommy! :)

cambodian refugee, eh? akina, i'd love to adopt him :D

2/08/2007 09:48:00 PM  

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