I decided to utilize all the cool new gadgets that Blogger had to offer, rather than move to Wordpress (since CSS is a whole new animal for me to learn). I love their new labeling feature and I'm trying to take adventage of their other new widgets!
So pardon the interruption while I work on this template...
Labels: html and tech talk
testing 123, testing 123
like the template change so far =)
liking the new look already! i need to play around with blogger so i can incorporate the widgets into my own template. i don't really want to change what i already have since i like it. anyhoo - happy blogging!
Hey girl! I like it! It's just for some reason my firefox doesn't like the mini comment screne now. I have no idea what happened. So I probably have a bunch of spelling errors since I can't see what i'm typing.
But the new template is hot!
whatever it is that you are still working on, i'm sure it will come out great coz you have good taste.
anyway, i sent your stamps back just last friday coz i've been away. i had mail for you prior to this, did you receive it?
The hard thing about Wordpress isn't the CSS. It's the php crap which is why I haven't changed my template in a long ass time! hehe...good luck with your template stuff!
Yeah, the categories feature rocks. It's awesome they finally have it available.
Good Luck on the revamp :) Have a great day! hugs to rockstarbaby.
lovin' the layout, kat. :)
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