Sunday, October 29, 2006

So I Can Now Vote (and Other Weekend Snippets)

After many years, I finally became a U.S. citizen last Friday, October 27th! Yehey! Now, I don't have to apply for a visa for every single country I visit! At last, I can just breeze through! And of course, the biggest perk is: I CAN VOTE! November 2008 Presidential Elections here I come!

Me with my certificate
(poor rockstar baby fell asleep during the ceremony)

Who's a citizen now?Catching some ZZZzzs

Then Saturday, my band plastiq passion had our EP Release party at Arlene's Grocery. What a fiasco that was! It was "the night we almost didn't play." We were scheduled to play at 7 pm, but we didn't get there until 7:03 pm. When we got there, the bookers were pissed and yelled at us and, and our drummer and bassist were at each other's throats. It was a really bad and stressful situation. After people calmed down a bit, we got the thumbs-up to go on, but it was a mad rush to do the soundcheck and all that jazz. I hardly even tuned my guitar! It was a mess, but then halfway through the set, things sorta smoothed out. However, we were still frazzled and we fucked up 2 songs. But I'm glad that a few of our friends were there to show their support.

Lesson learned: NEVER be late for a gig (even though we think no one will be there). Well actually, I'm a pretty punctual person, even post-baby. So I was sorely disappointed at my tardiness. Special shout-out to Christina and Phil for always being there; to Angie and Jules for coming to check us out; and cousins Mao and Ige for watching us!

Our EP: I Can't Wait
EP: I Can't Wait

(most of) the Band
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With my friend Christina --our biggest fan!
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Sunday, I went home to Queens to celebrate my little brother's 16th birthday (a few days early). Gawd! My little brother is going to be 16 on Nov. 2nd! We went to this Chinese buffet restaurant that we always go to in Flushing, Queens. It's quite possibly the best buffet in the world. It's at least 100 feet long (with 4 tables, each about 20 feet long), with a noodle station, a peking duck station, a sushi station, and a dessert station. I always end up feeling like Homer Simpson when I'm done eating.

When we came back home though, this is what we saw in our back yard:

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The wind blew our poor tree down! Now we have to go find a tree specialist to get it out of our neighbor's yard! Thank goodness we're on pretty good terms with our neighbor and that no one go hurt!

Have a great week! I'll be posting some cool Halloween pics on Tuesday!


POSTED BY KAT AT 10/29/2006 09:47:00 AM |


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a wanna-be rockstar with mediocre guitar skills | mom to rockstar baby | guitarist in a band | 30 but not grown-up | this is all about my musings. music. motherhood. and mayhem.

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