Tuesday, October 31, 2006
First Halloween

First Halloween
Originally uploaded by katdlr.

Happy Halloween!

I really enjoy Halloween.. love the dressing up involved, the kids trick-or-treating, NYC's Annual Halloween parade, the candy, the decor, and the whole-nine! I've had a lot of adventures over the years involving Halloween (including crashing a party thrown by an actress, getting hit on by a group of guys at the parade, getting trashed, etc.) But now, Halloween is no longer about me and my exploits. Now that I have my own little kiddo to dress up, Halloween's going to be all about my rockstar baby!

For rockstar baby's First Halloween, we dressed him up in three different costumes! Yes, I know. Overkill huh? Well, my mom bought him a pumpkin costume a few months ago so we had it lying around for a while. Then I bought him a monkey costume a couple of weeks ago because it was just so darn cute. Then a couple of days ago, I had the idea of dressing him up as Harry Potter! So here's a few pics of rockstar baby in costume....

Rockstar Pumpkin

First Halloween First Halloween

Rockstar Monkey

First Halloween

First Halloween

Rockstar Potter

Rockstar Potter Rockstar Potter 3

Happy Halloween Everyone! Now we're off to go trick-or-treating...


POSTED BY KAT AT 10/31/2006 12:22:00 AM |


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