Rockstar baby's first haircut: We cut his hair last Thursday because it was just too much. It was always in his eyes (and I'd have to put a little barette on) plus he's a regular sweat ball; we thought a trim would cool him down a bit. The hubs did the trimming while I held the little guy. He was patient for the most part, but he wriggled a lot. The result was your typical Asian rice bowl hair cut (and we wondered why parents did this to their kids!) and no more rockstar hair. Click here for the full album --it's funny. Next stop: a mohawk!
First Snip
Hey, this isn't so bad!
Okay, I take that back. Where's my hair?!
Rockstar baby's first solid food: We fed his cereal for the first time this past Saturday. I think he found it interesting to say the least. Most of the cereal actually ended up on his bib, myhands, and his hands, but I think he liked the experience. We also got him this baby seat called a Bumbo (the hubs actually agreed to buy it for him) and it was very handy during feeding time since rockstar baby can't sit up yet on his own. Click here for the full album.
Open wide!
Rolling Over? Our little guy is 5 months old but he has yet to roll over on a regular basis. I know babies develop in their own time, but I know he can do it --he just doesn't want to show us yet! We know he can physically do it because he'll wake on his back or tummy sometimes (the opposite of how he started out). This morning though, the hubs saw him mid-roll, but after he completed it, that was that. It's like, he'll only roll over once and that's his workout for the day. Oh well.
I can roll over, I just don't want to show you (pre-haircut pic)
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