Monday, June 19, 2006

Auf Wiedersehen (for now)

I had dinner with my friends Trish and Rol, and their little kiddo Alex last night. It was their last official night in the Big Apple because they have moved to Alpharetta, Georgia. In fact, they boarded their plane today and tonight is their first official night there as 'Georgians.' We had dinner at Cafe Con Leche --a really great, homey and very inexpensive Cuban/Dominican restaurant in the Upper West Side. Afterwards, we went to Cafe Lalo's, which is one of our usual dessert haunts; our friend Girlie met us there.

Trish is a certified New Yorker, born and raised in Manhattan. I met Trish during the wintertime of 1996. (And I met Girlie around the same time as well). We all actually met "on-line" via IRC --the old skool version of today's AOL IM. We met in one of the chat rooms (channel Filipino!! hahah). After getting to know each other through virtual chatting, we eventually started hanging out in 'real life' and we haven't stopped since.

Throughout the years, Trish, Girlie, and I (along with 2 other ladies we met on-line) became fixtures in each other's lives. We've been to each other's weddings, have been on holidays together, and have spent numerous hours hanging out in NYC. Who knew that 2 chicas I met on-line would become such good friends of mine? (This is why I have never scoffed at internet dating and never will).

Last night, I brought some pics of us that we took circa 1996-1997 and we laughed over them during dessert. (I am going to scan them and post them at some point!)

Wow, we have been friends for 10 years and counting.

And now, Trish won't be around which will take a while to get used to. We won't even get to see their soon-to-be-born baby girl when she arrives in August (at least not right away!) *sniffle* Trish, we miss you!! Good luck to you guys and your new life in the 'Big Peach'!!

Trish and Alex
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Girlie, Trish, and I
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


POSTED BY KAT AT 6/19/2006 09:59:00 PM |


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