Tuesday, May 2, 2006

My Fridge

This pic is for Toni. She took a photo of her own fridge and invited others to do the same --thus starting the Ref Door Project! My fridge door, unfortunately, isn't as organized as hers, but it will be once I do a thorough cleaning on the kitchen (whenever that is! =).

My fridge has magnets that I acquired as souvenirs during my travels. There's not a lot since I only recently started collecting the magnets. Prior to that, I collected shot glasses from my trips (and I have more than 50 of those before I realized I didn't have that much space for them!) My fridge magnets hold up pictures and cards from our friends and family (as well as assorted coupons, receipts, etc). I also have random magnets from businesses, and a "vaci-wheel" that helps us remember when rockstar baby should get his vaccinations. I actually have more magnets somewhere, but can you believe I still haven't unearthed them from when we moved to our house in August 2003?!

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
POSTED BY KAT AT 5/02/2006 09:22:00 AM |


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