Monday, May 15, 2006

Mother’s Day and Other Reunions

Belated Mother’s Day to all the moms out there. I didn’t get a chance to greet a lot of women since I had a very busy weekend. This past Saturday, we had a mini-reunion with some of my titas and cousins I haven’t seen in a long time. My tita and cousins from Kentucky were in town for a wedding and we gathered for an early brunch in Chinatown. My other tita from NJ was also there, along with my cousin Mao who just arrived from the Philippines. It's always a fun and boisterous event whenever my mom and her sisters get together. We cousins always get a kick poking fun at our titas because they are such crazy characters! Wish all our other cousins could've been there!

Cousins Unite!
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Girl Cousins Unite!
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Then on Sunday, we hosted a small party at our house for my very first Mother’s Day. We invited both families over and spent the whole day eating, chatting, playing Texas Hold ‘Em, and watching basketball. We gave our moms photo albums of rockstar baby’s first three months and they loved it.

Me and My Momma
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Me, the Hubs, and Rockstar Baby
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Rockstar baby gave me a sweet card that read:

Dear Mommy,
Thank you for being patient with me,
taking care of me, teaching me, and cleaning me up after I poo.
I'm very lucky to have you as my mom.
Happy Mommy's Day!
Your favorite son, Jakey

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The hubs gave me a great gift: JBL speakers for my iPod! And a whole slew of thoughtful friends sent texts wishing me a Happy Mother’s Day. Thanks to my friends: Alina, Trish, Girlie, Jill, Sol, Jesica, Priya, Gail, and Dearly for the greetings! Thanks to Christina for sending me a card, Renee for a fabulous e-card, and Jaz, Analyse, Bugsy, and Evi for their greetings! (Thank you and sorry if I missed anyone!)
POSTED BY KAT AT 5/15/2006 01:10:00 PM |


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