Monday, January 2, 2006

The Calm after the Storm

It is officially 2006, and the beginning of a whole new year! The past couple of weeks was a whirlwind of eating, drinking, and merry-making with family and friends. It was great, and later on this year, we get to do it all over again!

Christmas Eve

I hosted Christmas dinner this year at our humble little abode and had both sides of the family over. Usually, the hubs and I split the time between the families. We would usually go to church with his family then eat dinner with them, and then drive to Queens for my side of the family to eat a second dinner and spend the rest of the night. This year, we went to church in our town, and I prepared the Christmas feast (I started cooking at 10 am!). This year I cooked turkey (which marinated in a soy-orange-honey baste), spicy sausage lasagna, sweet potatoes, sautéed broccoli, and my famous pumpkin trifle (which the hubs and my bros really dig). My mom brought over roasted prime rib, and my mom-in-law brought over lumpia and a delicious French apple pie. We had tons of food (and still do!) and spent the night eating.

Turkey and Prime Rib
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Pumpkin Gingerbread Trifle
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The hubs and I
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My family --vegging after the feast
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The Night before New Year’s Eve: The Last Hurrah

My band Plastiq Passion played its’ final gig of the year at 169 Bar on December 30th. This was my last hurrah as lead guitarist before I go on maternity leave from the band (the poor bebé is exposed to way too much loud rock music!). I tried to get my friends to go, but a majority of them had other plans (or just ignored my e-mail! =). A handful did come, including my friends visiting from Australia, as well as my parents! It’s very interesting to have your parents watch you and your band play at a bar! But they said they had fun, and they even brought their friends over who were visiting from Houston that weekend.

The photos of us were pretty grainy, but I think they ended up looking cool and artsy!

Me with the guys from Oz
(Steve, Matt in red, Ray, Moi, and their friends Jeff and Mike)
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My cousin Gabby visiting from the Philippines (left)
and my uncle Ben (my dad's youngest bro)
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My parents and their friends from Houston (along with their daughters)
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Plastiq Passion @ 169 Bar
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The band
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New Year’s Eve

The hubs and I had nothing crazy planned for New Year’s Eve. I had tried to organize a small dinner party at the house, but that didn’t go through. Instead, we went over to my parents house for some Filipino food and then played Texas Hold ‘Em. My friend Girlie and Luke also came over, and we played poker until the stroke of midnight. Yes, I had some champagne! Hehehe…. All in all, it was a fun night. I was definitely winning and was chip leader, but then my cousin Gabby ended up taking all my chips in less than 3 hands!

New Year's Day
Last night, I went out for dinner at Lima's Taste Ceviche Bar in the Village. There were 12 of us altogether to celebrate our friends' Ray and Matt's last night in NYC before they fly back to Oz. The food was great and it was fun catching up with friends. Ray has been back and forth to NYC and CA about 4 times this past year and a half! He'll be back again in NYC this coming May --what a jet-setter!


Since I have the day off, it’s time to take the tree down and put the decorations away. It’s a little weird to think that it’s a whole new year already! 2005 was a great year and my next post will be about 2005’s highlights.

POSTED BY KAT AT 1/02/2006 11:35:00 AM |


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