Sunday, December 11, 2005

Pregnancy Progress and Other Potpourri

Third Trimester: I am officially 7 months pregnant. Only 2 full months and a few weeks to go until the kid pops out! I’ve gotten much, much bigger and gained a lot of weight since my last picture. I usually take a picture during the half-way mark of each month, but neglected to take a photo when I was 6.5 months pregnant. Oh well. In any case, I think you can see the difference between the first picture and the second picture.

5.5 Months Preggo
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7 Months Preggo

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3D Ultrasound: I got suckered into getting a 3D/4D ultrasound. Okay “suckered” isn’t the exact word –more like, I followed the trend-du-jour for soon-to-be parents and plunked down some cash to see what our little bunny may look like. I got it done at A Womb with a View and it was pretty neat. A 3D ultrasound is actually just like a normal 2D ultrasound, except that they use a computer program to "fill in the blanks" and add volume to create a 3D image. It was a cool experience altogether. We got some images of the little bunny, however, the baby kept his hands (and even a foot) in front of his face for the entire time! So we don’t have any full facial images. They even gave me juice and moved me around to try to entice the kiddo to move, but I think he’s just camera shy! I told the hubs I thought the baby looked like him. (I have a feeling the little bunny will end looking like the hubs!) In reality, however, most of the babies all kinda looked alike since they use the same program to create volume and add dimension. The 3D package comes with a video of the whole procedure, plus a CD with all the 3D images. You also had the option of finding out the s*x of your baby, but we opted to remain in the dark (you'll notice I use "he" for the baby but we really don't know). The video they gave us though has the information in it! All we have to do is watch! We’ll see…if I get really desperate, we’ll pop it in the VCR on Christmas Day as a “gift” to us. Here are some 3D images:

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Maternity Leave and Financial Woes: I’m planning on taking a 6-month leave from work during the third or last week of February since I am due on March 2nd. Of course, I’ll ultimately have to see how I’m feeling at that point, but I did want to work up to the last possible minute so I can earn money. I’m already feeling the “financial crunch” and I haven’t even left yet. As I mentioned before in my blog, my goal this year was to finish off my credit card debt once and for all. Alas, I haven’t quite made it yet and when I stop working, I won’t have any money at all to pay it off! I’d love to just buy baby stuff and decorate the nursery, but I have to worry about my bills which sucks. I will be out of an income for approximately 4 months or so (maybe longer if I decide to take more time off). The hubs at least will take care of the household bills, but I am worried about how to take care of my personal finances when I’m out of a job! *Sigh* At least I have the baby to look forward to!

It's Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas! It seemed December just crept up on us! I wasn't feeling very "Christmassy" until we got some snow last Friday. We got about 6-8 inches in the morning and I took off work because the hubs was worried about me driving. By the time the snow stopped falling, it was about 11 am. The hubs told me not to shovel and just stay put but I had to shovel all the snow in order to get my car out (the hubs shovelled in the morning, but when the snow stopped, it looked like he didn't go anything!) So I shovelled away and it took me a good hour to dig my car out, shovel the driveway and sidewalk, and put some salt on the ground. I did a pretty good job, though my back hurt like a mother later that night! But I didn't mind getting some physical activity.

This past weekend, I picked out a tree, decorated the tree and the house, and began the whole Christmas experience. I addressed and sent out a majority of our Christmas cards, bought a few presents (mostly on-line), and packed up gifts that need to be sent out. Christmas is my favorite holiday and I enjoy it a lot. I'm even hosting Christmas dinner this year with both our families coming over to our little home. I can't wait! And just think, come next year, I can't believe we'll be parents!

Our tree (partially decorated)
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Have a good week folks!
POSTED BY KAT AT 12/11/2005 05:16:00 PM |


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