Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Ciao Bellas! Viva Italia!

1) passport –check!
2) Italian visa –check!
3) Flight reservations –check!
4) Hotel reservations –check!
5) Clothes –uhm…I'll work on the packing later!

So the hubs and I are going to Italy for Thanksgiving week. We're going with our friends Girlie & Luke, and we're leaving this Saturday! I'm very excited about the whole trip since I've never been to Italy before. We'll be flying into Florence and then taking the train down to Rome. We plan on staying in Florence for 3 days, do a day trip to the Tuscan countryside or to Pisa; and then we're spending 4 days in Rome. We're flying back on the 27th just in time for the new work week (ugh).

I plan on relaxing on this holiday. I've been under so much stress lately because of work. I've said it before and I'll say it again: you'll find yourself with double the amount of work right before you leave for a holiday. In this case, I have a huge trial coming up, and I'm trying to prepare my hardest before I go. However, I will definitely make sure to savor this trip. It's one of the very few trips we have planned pre-parenthood and I want to take advantage of it!

I've already pre-booked a few sightseeing tours in Italy to get ourselves more organized. I'm all for organized walking trips so you don't have to spend any longer than you have to trying to find the major sightseeing stops. I like being efficient. This way, someone will show you where the sites are and you get a guided commentary to boot! I booked the trips via Art Viva and they come well-recommended!

So far, I haven't packed a thing, but I plan on doing a lot of the packing on Saturday morning. Hehe. I know, last minute, right? But I usually never pack in advance –I like to pack the night before and I make a very comprehensive list so I don't forget anything or overpack.

Harry Potter News

Before I go, I really, really, want to see the new Harry Potter movie. I'm a HUGE HP fan. Not only have I read all the books (and waxed poetic about them with anyone else who's read them), but I've seen all the movies on the day it came out. I know I should just wait until I get back to watch it (that way, I have something fun to look forward to), but I really, really want to see it on Friday. If I can't watch it on Friday, I'm debating on whether or not to catch an early matinee showing before my flight on Saturday! Yes, I am that obsessed. Hm...what to do?

Nonetheless, I will certainly have fun!

Happy Thanksgiving to all those celebrating! While you're dining on turkey and stuffing, I'll be having delicious, authentic Italian food! Ciao!

Song of the Day:
Plastic Passion by The Cure
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POSTED BY KAT AT 11/16/2005 07:09:00 PM |


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