My Life as a…Rockstar Mom Part 2
On August 3, the hubs and I heard the baby’s heartbeat for the first time. It was pretty neat. A few weeks prior to that, I was able to see the baby’s heart beat at about 7 weeks, but hearing it is quite different! I must say, it gives you a great sense of relief to hear the little bunny’s heart.
Today, I went to see an entirely new doctor. I decided to switch from my current Ob-Gyn to a doctor closer to home. Also, my old doc is slowly bowing out from the “ob” part of her practice so she may not end up being the one delivering. This new doctor’s office I went to is fab! I should’ve just gone to them from the get-go! It’s a practice of 4 doctors who rotate and see each patient individually. They were very professional and gave me a lot more information than my old doc. I was even given a folder full of articles and FAQs.
Speaking of FAQs, here’s a few I’ve heard so far.
Do you have morning sickness? --this is the first thing people usually ask me.
I’m happy to say that I don’t! I haven’t thrown up or anything. I got a little queasy the first few weeks, but it usually went away after I ate something. The only other time I get queasy is after I take my pre-natal vitamin. Blech. Other than that, I guess I’m lucky!
Can you give birth in NYC –this is from my mom (who wants to say her grandkid was born in NY)
As most of people know, I live by the border of NJ and NY. I live right by the George Washington Bridge so I have very easy and quick access to NYC. I had really wanted to the baby to be born at New York-Presbyterian (aka Columbia-Presbyterian) which is in NYC and the hospital where my hubs was born. However, I decided I didn’t want to be trekking back and forth NYC, especially during the later months where I’ll be too big. Plus it’s a hassle to find parking in the city. My new doctor is only 10 minutes away from me and the hospital is only about 15 minutes away from me with ample parking! So alas, the little bunny won’t be born a New Yorker. Too bad mom.
Are you going to find out if it’s a girl or boy?
The hubs doesn’t care either way, but I’d like to be surprised. I think it would be cool to know at the very last possible minute! Plus I plan on buying blue clothes for the baby even if “it” ends up to be a girl or boy! I also plan on dressing the kid up in cool rocker clothing! Hehehe…I’m already on the look-out for a Cure baby-sized shirt! And I'm definitely getting onesies from this joint (or one just like it).
Did you guys plan this? –yes, believe it or not, people ask this and will ask this
Yes, we totally planned this (see my epic below for more deets). We have been married for over 4 years! What we didn’t plan on was that it would take only 1.5 months to happen!
Are you going to continue working?
Yes of course! As much as I’d like to stop working and try my stint as a stay-at-home-mom, we can’t really afford it! I’m taking 6 months off then go back to work. But we’ll see, you can always make plans but plans change, right? I also plan on taking off and being there for my kids when they really need it: when they are between 11-14 years old. Studies show that kids really benefit by having a parent “grow” with them during these adolescent years.
Are you showing yet?
I think so, either that or I’m just really bloated! Starting just a few days ago, I have started to sport a definite pooch that no amount of sucking in can hide. So I think I've "popped." But I’m in that stage where people can easily say “man, she’s letting herself go.” I feel like I should wear a shirt that says “I’m not getting fat, I’m just pregnant.”
Do you have any cravings for any kinds of food?
I don’t discriminate! I eat everything! I’m trying not to eat crappy foods, but it’s hard. For example, the other day, this is what I ate:
Breakfast: 1 cup of decaf coffee, a double chocolate donut, and 2 pieces of raisin bread toasted with butter.
Lunch: a cup of spinach salad and an entire can of Chef Boyardee Beefaroni (only cuz I felt like it). Oh, and 6 triangles of Toblerone.
Snack: a glass of milk and a chocolate cupcake.
Dinner: 2 slices of meatloaf and 2 cups of rice.
No dessert only because I felt bad about the crap I ate, otherwise, I would’ve finished off half a
Have you gained weight yet?
I actually don’t know. When I first started, the doc said I weighed 111 pounds which I know is blatantly wrong (because pre-cruise I was already 113). Then a month after that weigh-in, I was about 113. I haven’t been weighed since so I have no clue how much I weigh. Now that I’m past the first trimester, I’m supposed to gain 1 pound per week up until my due date. Egads! I’m supposed to eat 300 extra calories a day for the baby, but this is hard for me to figure out since I think I eat a lot already to begin with. I’m also trying to take in more calcium and fruits and vegetables.
Do you have a name for the baby yet?
I have the perfect name for the little bunny if it turns out to be a girl (but I'm not telling!) I thought I had the perfect name for a baby boy, but it's hard. I really dig the name Joaquin as a middle name, but I don't want anyone making fun of it. Don't you think it's cool? What do you guys think?
Song of the Day:
Blood by The Editors
I'd just like to add a little plug for The Editors. They're the best band ever! I highly, highly recommend their album (especially if you dig other bands like The Cure, Joy Division, Interpol, The Smiths, and Bloc Party). I cannot gush enough about them...I'm such a groupie...=)
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