Friday, July 15, 2005


UPDATE 7.18.05: I seem to have finished the book yesterday.

I’m such a Harry Potter fan that I’m actually writing a whole entry about the upcoming book! I ordered mine ages ago and should be getting it in the mail tomorrow, July 16, 2005 as promised by A couple of years ago, I actually attended a midnight book party for Order of the Phoenix. I went with my younger brother and I wore a Harry Potter shirt and glasses. Well, that was complete chaos! Never again! As much as I love HP, I hate crowds and whiny folks in bookstores!

I’m so excited for the Half-Blood Prince to come out! Each time an HP book rolls out, I always try to pace myself and read it sparingly so it’ll last longer. It never works. I polished off Order of the Phoenix in 3 nights (I really tried to slow down). This time, I’ll try to read only 4 chapters a night and maybe I can stretch the book to a week! After all, this is supposedly the second to the last volume of the HP series....*sniffle*

Harry Potter rocks! Yeah, I'm a nerd.

In a somewhat related note, I'm also super-excited for the Chronicles of Narnia flick! Doesn't it look like the coolest fantasy movie since Lord of the Rings?! I'm re-reading them after HP!

Song of the Day:

La Tortura by Shakira
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POSTED BY KAT AT 7/15/2005 03:43:00 PM |


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