Monday, July 11, 2005

Birthday Post

I turned 29 on July 9th. It's the last year where I can say "I'm in my twenties." I celebrated my birthday with my family while on a cruise (as mentioned in an earlier post). The cruise went very well and I had a very relaxing time. The only slight glitch was we didn't get to go to Cozumel, Mexico and Georgetown, Grand Cayman. Our ship took a slight detour due to Hurricane Dennis and we had to sail to the Bahamas in order to avoid its path. Other than that, we had a fabulous time. I took tons of photos, however I'm currently too lazy to fix it up in any way, shape, or form! I'll be posting them soon.

Aside from treating me to a cruise (as well as treating my brother Eric whose birthday is on July 10th), my uber-generous parents gave me some beautiful jewelry as well. Thanks mom and dad for everything!

Turning a year older always makes you think of what you've done with your life thus far. I think I'm come a long way over the years. I've definitely changed as I got older, and definitely figured out my sense of "self." I like to think of myself as being less judgmental, less materialistic, and less selfish over the years.

For a while, I floundered and forgot my true interests at heart. I remember when I was in my early twenties and absolutely obsessed with trying to look "good" whenever I went to parties. I tried to blend in with all the girls at the parties and ended up wearing a lot of stuff that I have since gotten rid of. I didn't look "hoochie" mind you, but I did wear shirts that said "POLO" on it plus the customary black pants and black boots that all the Asian chicks used to wear at parties. I had a bad self-image, dumbed myself down a few times (so as not to appear smart), and ended up with people who only brought me down.

Then I realized I had no one to impress but myself. As I got older, I mellowed out and figured out what was truly important in my life. I got rid of the people who didn't enrich my life, found my own sense of style (which is a mix of everything, including the nice stuff and the cheap stuff), do the things I love to do, and just live my life on a day to day basis and share it with the people I love. Now, I can go confidently in the direction of my dreams.... Which is not to say that I don't make mistakes!

I definitely still have a lot to learn and still have a lot of goals to accomplish – but life is all about the journey, isn't it?

Some random numbers (as inspired by my friend Ray):

Countries visited - 17 (Belize, Canada, England, Fiji, France, Hong Kong, Mexico, Philippines, Portugal, Spain; plus the following islands: Aruba, Bahamas, Curacao, Puerto Rico, St. John, St. Maarten, St. Thomas)
U.S. States visited – 25 (Alaska, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Texas, Tennessee, Vermont, Virginia, Washington)
Years spent in school – about 19
University degrees – 2 (B.A. and J.D.)
Jobs since graduating from law school - 2
Time spent in current job – 1 year and 9 months
Times I've almost resigned - 0
Starting salary of first job - $35K
Years Married - 4 years and 1 month
Cars owned - 0
Houses owned - 1
Guitars owned - 5
Rental Homes/Apartments lived in – 14
Hours spent on planes - easily in the thousands
Weddings attended – about 12 (including mine)
Bridal parties I've been in – 3 (as flower girl!)
Times I’ve been a bridesmaid - 0
Most shots in one night - 6
Times I've been hospitalized - 1
Bones broken - 0 *knock on wood*
Times I've been in love - 2
Times I've had my heart broken - 1
Times I’ve bounced a check this year – 5
Times I’ve been in a concert/show – 30+ (Bloc Party, The Bravery, The Cure (5x), De La Soul, Depeche Mode (2x), The Jets, Lush, Menudo, Mos Def, Guns n Roses, Interpol (3x), Lollapalooza (2x), Metallica, Shakira, Souls of Mischief, U2, WHFestival, etc.
Times I’ve felt financially secure – 0
Credit card debt – definitely in the thousands!
Years blogging - 2 years and 4 months

Thanks to everyone for your wonderful birthday wishes!

Song of the Day:
La Tortura by Shakira
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POSTED BY KAT AT 7/11/2005 10:29:00 PM |


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