Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Why do you suddenly get massive amounts work when you’re ready to go on holiday? Mondays and Tuesdays are my busiest work days. Yesterday was crazy because we had about 23 cases on the calendar. Today was busy because we had 18 cases on this morning in front of 2 different judges. I also had a trial this afternoon with a somewhat wacky victim. I won, miraculously. I say that because the victim only called me this morning at 8:50 am to tell me she wanted to go to trial. Prior to today, she kept saying she wanted to dismiss the charges. I prepped her but she still forgot key things: like the day of the incident! It went by smoothly though. But I was in court for the whole day. I didn’t get to do half of what I wanted to have done today, like prep for grand jury tomorrow, or talk to my supervisor about this other case. And to top it all off, I have a case that is going to trial…the defendant refused to plead out. So it may potentially be my first jury trial! Ye gods…*panic* So I have to start prepping for that along with other cases that are languishing on my desk. Heck, I wasn’t this busy last week! Why today of all days? Oh right. That’s because I’m leaving for my holiday tomorrow and won’t actually have time to work on it.

Some random gripes/observations/blurbs:

1. I hate when people insist on wearing necklaces with turtlenecks! It’s a freaking turtleneck! It’s meant to cover your neck! That means you shouldn’t put your necklace over it or have it hanging in front like a piece of string!
2. I like Lindsay Lohan, but please girl, be a little modest. You’re not all that. Fame is fleeting.
3. I have to pack tonight! Packing and unpacking is a pain in the arse.
4. I detest this girl in my gym who thinks she’s too good to be wearing a sports bra. She only wears those tank tops with the built-in shelf bra. That is fine in and of itself –if you have small boobs like Gwyneth Paltrow (or even B’s)! Not if you got C honkers and taking Boot Camp class and threatening to spill over.
5. I miss high school and college!
6. I promised myself that I would lose 5 pounds and get more toned for my birthday. So I got a little more than 2 weeks.
7. I’m not going to celebrate my birthday this year with another shindig. I’m tired of doing all the planning for my birthday year after year (not that my parties before were anything elaborate; it's just that I was always the one who organized it myself). For this year, I want something quiet and peaceful. Probably dinner with the hubs. At the most, get a group of folks for drinks at Bob’s or Goodworld.
8. I have to start training for the Avon Walk-A-Thon. It’s on October 2 and 3 and I have yet to walk over 4 miles! And speaking of which, I have to launch another donation-solicitation campaign. If you’re interested in donating, by all means, DO SO! Click on this!
9. Saw Dodgeball last night with the hubs! Very entertaining! A lot of funny moments!
10. Okay, I still gotta pack.... Ta!
POSTED BY KAT AT 6/22/2004 09:11:00 PM |


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