Monday, April 19, 2004

Manic Monday. I won a trial today! Trial was in front of not-my-usual judge; private attorney was all fired-up and kept insisting I was wrong; victim was counting on me; issues were not clear-cut; I had allergies up the wazoo and could hardly breathe; but lo and behold! I won on all 4 counts! Oh yeah! Great end to a long-ass day!

I lurve shopping! Went to Woodbury Commons this past Saturday with Girlie and Trish. It was a good day for loot. I was hoping to score some clutches and found 2! Good budgeting as well. We were there shopping for 5 hours (but we did spend an hour on lunch); had fab weather; good finds --great Saturday! Starting this week though, I promised myself I would weed out my closet. There's just waay too much junk in there!
POSTED BY KAT AT 4/19/2004 09:48:00 PM |


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