Sunday, December 14, 2003

*Yawn* Lately I've been thinking of how truly lazy I can get. As I've said a gazillion times in this blog, I've sworn to be a healthier person in terms of eating habits. I have not been to the gym since September (for only like, 3 times), and yes, instead of just sucking it up and going --I just whine about not going. I don't know what it is. It's not that I hate physical activity or even exercise. On the contrary, once I get going, I do enjoy it. I think it's just the physical fact of going to the gym (as in driving there and getting situated) that irks me. I don't like the "regulars" in the gym who shmooze with the trainers or the littles chickies who talk to each other while on the treadmill. But heck, even if I'm the only one there, I think it would take me a while to to get my groove on in the gym. Man. I hate working out. And the only reason I would like to work out is of course, for health reasons. Yes, I get winded going up 3 flights of stairs. I also have a tightness in my chest after I eat my usual junky foods. Yes, while I am not overweight, I would still like to be healthy and toned. And would still like to continue eating bacon and other forms of pork fat until I'm 75 years old and not have a heart attack. But starting late this December, I swear to return to the gym! And yoga! And hip-hop class! And maybe Pilates! =)

*Twiddling Thumbs* Right now, I'm just blogging while waiting for my friend's (Karen) mom to come over and deliver a package. I don't know if she's actually going to make it over since there's a lot of snow coming down and she's staying somewhere in Wayne, NJ (where I've never personally been). I suppose they could always mail the package, which I've done many times already during the Christmas season. Later in the afternoon, I'm going to brave the stormy weather and go over to the Bronx for my friend Jill's birthday. Last time, I missed out on my friend Sol's party cuz the snow was just atrocious. This time, I refuse to be a winter hermit just cuz of the snow. Besides, Jill's supposed to live only 20 minutes away from me. I really should go out more!

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree... We actually got one last Thursday. I think we paid too much but why not? You only get it once a year. It's pretty cute, but a little on the crooked side. Not to tall, not too short.

POSTED BY KAT AT 12/14/2003 02:34:00 PM |


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