The party itself was cool. We left the house at 9:55 pm and got to the party in less than 20 minutes. Absolutely no traffic on the West Side Highway (which was not what I expected). The party was not as crowded as I had expected it to be, and we basically chatted with friends that whole night. At some point, however, I had to take off the 'fro since the little booth we had just got so hot.
Wash and Learn. We tried out the washer today. It's actually spinning as I type. It's front-loading washer and the hubs and I spent about 15 minutes just staring at it. In particular, we were concerned that it wasn't lathering enough. But this is our test-run, so I guess if the clothes come out looking dirty, we could always do it again.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKEY! Today is my little bro Mikey's 13th birthday. Wow. He is officially a teenager!! We're going over to have lunch with him today and celebrate.
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