Thursday, July 24, 2003

Making Progress. We finally started painting the house. In particular, we have painted the ceilings of our bedrooms and the living room (but we ran out of paint on the living room, so we are finishing today). On today's agenda is painting the walls of the bedrooms. Overall, I guess we're making progress. It's funny though, because I have spent about 10-12 hours in the house since Tuesday, with very little to show for it. Mark also puts in his time after work and does a lot more than I do. It's the little things that take up time such as scrubbing the walls and ceilings clean, and then taping up the walls and the trims for painting prep. Manual labor is a bloody pain. I don't mind so much, it's just that it goes by so slowly and you're just eager to see the finished product already. Plus, it's bloody hot in there!

Also making progress on the job front. I finally found out that I can officially be a Prosecutor. Today, I'm off to fill out documents in order for them to start on my background check (not to mention a background check on my immediate family members as well!).
POSTED BY KAT AT 7/24/2003 09:23:00 AM |


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