Wednesday, June 4, 2003

Simple blessings. I’ve always been thankful to God for how fortunate I am. My family and I have always been taken care of and I consider myself to be very lucky. It’s always nice to take the time to reflect on the simple pleasures in life and take a deep breath. Here’s to counting some of my blessings:
1) Having a loving, generous, and supportive set of parents and parent-in-laws and a loving, generous, and supportive hubs.
2) Earning my bachelors degree and juris doctor (because I’m fully aware that some people didn’t even get to finish school).
3) Having good friends you can always count on.
4) Having the opportunity and the means to do things I want to in life like traveling, eating in elegant restaurants, purchasing items I like, etc.
5) My health and the health of loved ones.
6) Passing the NY and NJ bar in one shot
7) Meeting some excellent characters as I go through life (e.g., past teachers, mentors, quirky classmates and co-workers, supportive bosses, and random folks who turn out to be great friends)
8) Other things that come my way that have turned out to be blessings in one way or the other

POSTED BY KAT AT 6/04/2003 04:02:00 PM |


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