Wednesday, May 14, 2003

I’m at work, all packed, and ready to go to Miami. I didn’t bring that much –a bunch of tops, a pair of shorts, jeans, bathing suits…I just hope it’ll be nice and sunny out there! I’ve been hearing that Miami has been having bouts with isolated t-storms…but it should come and go and won’t stick around.

Tomorrow, we already have plans to go snorkeling in the morning. We have to be at our snorkeling boat by 8:30 am, so that means we gotta be out of the condo by 6:30 am! Girlie has graciously offered to drive us all in the morning while we take naps in the back seat. Oh crap! I just remembered that I forgot to bring some CDs…oh well. Radio it is for the road trip!

Getting antsy…our realtor stopped by last night to have us sign a disclosure form regarding lead-based paint. Right now, we’re working on getting a home loan/mortgage and I’m getting a bit giddy. Our closing is set for end of June, which is really not that far away. I have mixed feelings about it because I don’t want to get my hopes up in case something goes wrong. At the same time, I am looking forward to fixing up the house and moving in. I totally fancy the painting and decorating part of the house! However, I also feel like we’ll be signing our life away. I still consider myself a kid at heart and I feel like this house-thing will be a big hindrance in terms of finances. I’m sure it’ll all work out after we get used to the payments and all that jazz. I just feel so “adult”, yanno? I’m sure I won’t be after the fact…

Employment issues…so I’m still awaiting news from Legal Aid. I probably won’t hear anything for another 2 weeks or so. Shite. Well that’s the government for ya. In the meantime, I’m forcing myself to send out more resumes. I decided to just concentrate on finding work in the city. My work experience has been in the the city. Also, most of my friends & my family are there, and it’ll give me a chance to re-connect with them. I just feel out-of-the-loop here in Jersey. One problem I’ve run into with my clerkship is that NJ firms think of it as a plus, but NY firms are like “why did you decided to work in NJ” and totally discount the fact that’s it a judicial clerkship nonetheless. In the legal field, it’s an asset to have a judicial clerkship. However, in the city, it’s only good if it’s a federal clerkship or clerkship w/ a New York Court judge –which makes sense, obviously. But my point is, a judge is a judge! The NJ Superior Court is the same as the NY Supreme Court –so what’s the big deal? Here in NJ, I can use the clerkship to negotiate a better salary, but no so in NY. Dilemma, dilemma. At this point though, I’ll take whatever job I can get!
POSTED BY KAT AT 5/14/2003 11:52:00 AM |


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