Monday, April 7, 2003

Today, I scheduled two job interviews for the coming week. I’m a bit excited since I have only just started the job search, and the pressure is on for me to find a job. A Job, job, if you know what I mean. My judicial clerkship will be officially over on August 29th of this year, and I’m a bit perturbed at the whole job situation. First of all, the market is a mess and it’s bloody hard to find firms that are hiring. Secondly, it doesn’t help at all that my interests lie in the public interest law sector –this means that I’m interested mainly in jobs that don’t pay very much (i.e., being a prosecutor or a public defender). I don’t at all fancy the idea of working in some corporate firm, but in a pinch, I'll definitely choose that route...

So yes, while I am a lawyer, this does not mean that I am out to make money. It’s a bit difficult to explain to people that no, I will not be making $$$ because the general public has this stereotypical notion that all lawyers make $$$. Yes, if you’re lucky, you can make $125K/year to start –but that’s only if you’ve graduated at the top 10% of your class and landed an Associate position at one of the country’s top firms (by top firms, I’m talking about lawyers with 500+ attorneys and with offices world-wide…like Skadden Arps or Simpson Thacher). That does not apply to me. But I would like to have a decent annual salary for the sake of paying bills and expenses, especially in light of the upcoming house and all…

Lastly, I’m scared of the whole career thing. I’m 26 years old at the moment, and have not been on the proper career track. I’ve been in school up until May 2002, and a lot of my friends have been working for years now. I’ve only just begun. So I’m a bit anxious about it all. But then again, I like being at my own pace, doing my own thing.
POSTED BY KAT AT 4/07/2003 04:31:00 PM |


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