Thursday, April 17, 2003

Taking a cue from my friend Trish's blog... I am answering the following questions from the Friday Fives for April 11, 2003.

1. What was the first band you saw in concert? Okay, don't laugh...I believe the first band I saw in concert was either The Jets or Menudo. No joke. The Jets --as in the group from the 80's who I believe were Samoan. Their claim to fame song was "I've Got a Crush on You." And Menudo...I don't need to describe them, do I? Let's just say Ricky Martin when he was 12. But it wasn't my fault! I swear! I was like, 9 perhaps? And my mom took me because she was being nice...that's it.

2. Who is your favorite artist/band now? Ooh...this is a hard one. My favorite band of all time has got to be The Cure. I got into them at around the end of 8th grade, circa end of 1990 or 1991. Headed by lead singer, song-writer, and guitarist extrodinaire Robert Smith, The Cure has been around since the late 1970's and has produced some of the world's best songs (in my opinion). They defy musical classification...most people would say they are a goth-band...but I would loosely put them under "alternative rock." In any case, perhaps you would know them as that band who sang the pop hit "Friday I'm in Love." But please, they have waaay better songs than that...

Right now though, I also have a bunch of favorite artists...some I can think of, off the top of my head are: Black Star (Mos Def and Talib Kweli...I also like them separately); Wu-Tang Clan; Oasis; The Smiths; Eminem; 50 Cent; Missy Elliot; Shakira; Lauryn Hill, and more.

3. What's your favorite song? Whoa...too many to mention here. But here's a handful: '93 Til Infinity (Souls of Mischief); Respiration (Black Star); Work It (Missy); Just Like Heaven (The Cure); any song from the Disintegration album (The Cure); Suerte (Shakira); Cry Me a River (Justin); that new song by Jay-Z with Punjabi MC, Touch Me Tease Me (Case feat. Foxy Brown)...and many more.

4. If you could play any instrument, what would it be? Most definitely the guitar. I used to be really good at it. Now, I can't do a thing!

5. If you could meet any musical icon (past or present), who would it be and why? Robert Smith!!! Cuz he's the coolest! He's a brilliant lyricist and he's just fab! Though I wouldn't mind meeting Eminem, Madonna, Sting, Shakira, and many others...
POSTED BY KAT AT 4/17/2003 03:53:00 PM |


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