Wednesday, April 2, 2003

I'm still at work doing homework. In particular, I'm writing a will and preparing an inheritance tax return for my WILLS class (I just lurve those Continuing Legal Education classes!). Argh! I've been working on this thing since morning, foregoing all actual work, and focusing only on this problem. Anyway, it's such a bloody pain in the arse! So I figured I'd just stay here at work and finish it in one day once and for all....Then at 7:30 pm, I'm going to Capoeira class with a couple of co-workers cuz I'm a big, out-of-shape, sack of lard.

Yes, I'm having a "fat day" --almost like a "bad hair day" (which incidentally, I don't really have b/c I just don't put too much effort into the whole hair thing...I don't even have a blood hair stylist!) but way worse. In any case, I just feel quite lumpy owing to the size of my horrid thighs. I know, I know, you're probably thinking there is such madness going on in this world and this gal is talking about her body issues?! Well I'm just having a bad day. I woke up to discover my cellulite-ridden arse and it just went downhill from there! Of course in my head I know I should simply stop whining and start working out, but I'd like to vent first. All throughout the first three years of college, I was a bit plagued by body issues...being chubs, am I pretty, the whole nine.... Only in the past few years did I finally come to terms with myself and my physicality. Accepted myself, really. And after I did that, the weight miraculously came off with no diet or extreme working out. I suddenly got trim. But everyone now and then, you get your "fat days" when you're just not yourself, get fed-up that you are not stick-thin, and every little thing just bothers you. I'll get over it. But I do have to help myself and get to the bloody gym sometime this week! Egads....

Perhaps this is all brought upon by the fact that I am going to Miami in approximately 40 days... and that I will be seen in public in a bathing suit. Must lose 5 lbs! Must lose 5 lbs! Surely, that will be my mantra for the coming days...
POSTED BY KAT AT 4/02/2003 05:34:00 PM |


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