Sunday, March 30, 2003

The weekend is almost over and I've gotten a few things in order. We're a bit settled into our new home for the moment. Moved, put stuff away, got some laundry done, and even had a social life whilst all this commotion was happening.

Thursday: Went to see a play with two co-workers and a co-worker's friend at the Public Theater called "Fucking A" by Suzan-Lori Parks, same dame who wrote "Topdog/Underdog." This play was a modern take on "The Scarlet Letter," the novel by Hawthorne about a woman who committed adultery and had to wear a letter "A" sewn onto the bodice of her dresses. In this new play, however, "A" stands for abortion (amongst other things). It was wholly entertaining and I enjoyed it much more than her other play Topdog. I suggest you watch it! But before the play, we met at Bond St. Sushi for some delicious food and great saketinis. I've been there a few times before (one time was for my b-day) and it's fun to just stay in the lounge to drink and nosh on some sushi.

Friday: Okay, no social life on this day. See previous blog.

Saturday: Went to see some flats and townhouses in the Fort Lee area. Uneventful. But had dinner in a fab hole-in-the-wall Thai joint called Green Papaya in Flushing, NY with my family. Good food and company.

Sunday: Made an offer of this fab little house near where we used to live in Fort Lee. We'll be crossing our fingers and I won't be talking about this in order not to jinx ourselves. Please wish us luck! And tonight, I made plans have dinner in this yummy Cuban joint called Azucar in Edgewater, NJ. Mostly co-workers. It should be fun! Perhaps the best thing about today though, is that I just found out that my friends and I have started a collective blog chronicling the crazy exploits of five chicas! How fab! A sex-in-the-city type thing (or so we wish!) about what we do best --hang out together, eat dinners at fab places, go to lounges, and having a snazzy time!
POSTED BY KAT AT 3/30/2003 04:15:00 PM |


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