Friday, February 7, 2003

yup, decided to join the world of blogging..figured it would be a great way to get me to write. this way, i'll get my writing exercises done, but disguise it so that my brain doesn't think i'm actually "working on something."

it's friday..getting ready to leave work. then it's off to my friend's birthday party tonight. not looking forward to the drive though b/c of all the snow. i'm scared of spinning out or sliding...not fun. but i'll brave it since i haven't been to the city in a while. i love the city, hanging out, breathing in the smoggy, not-so-fresh, city air. it's just very dynamic. can't be duplicated anywhere else. i'm talking about NYC, by the way, in case folks get confused. wish i was rich and could buy a 4-story brownstone somewhere in the west village complete with a little garden in the back. went inside one once last year; it was owned by this older, child-less couple who only lived in their brownstone 6 months out of the year. crazy. wonder who's it going to after they die? it's probably worth at least $3M. well i'd be happy w/ a penthouse too...but then i'm dreaming. only in NYC do people find it okay to shell out huge amount of dough of such little square feet of housing. but i understand it completely. heck, i'd do it too.
POSTED BY KAT AT 2/07/2003 04:18:00 PM |


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